How Early Can You Have an Ultrasound During Pregnancy?

You can detect an embryo via ultrasound as early as six weeks gestational age, although it’s more common to have an initial ultrasound after eight weeks. At The Pregnancy Center of West Houston, we care about your well-being and health. That’s why we offer free pregnancy testing, STI testing, and ultrasounds, providing you with crucial

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How Soon After a Missed Period Can You Take a Pregnancy Test?

The earliest you can take a reliable pregnancy test is about two weeks after a missed period, but it can be as early as at least one week after a missed period before testing. If you have irregular cycles, test three weeks after unprotected sex. If you get a negative result but your period still

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What Are the Different Types of Ultrasound Scans in Pregnancy?

There are two types of pregnancy scans that you may have: transvaginal and transabdominal. These scans are typically performed at milestone ultrasound appointments and confirm details like your gestational age. If you’re pregnant and unsure of what to expect, understanding what each type of scan entails can help you feel more prepared. If you’ve already

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Are Digital Pregnancy Tests More Accurate Than Traditional Ones?

If you suspect you’re pregnant, you want a pregnancy test that will give you reliable results as early as possible. Depending on factors like age, digital pregnancy tests are not necessarily more accurate but can detect pregnancy earlier than analog (non-digital) tests. How do pregnancy tests work? Pregnancy tests work by detecting the hormone human

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Can Certain Medications Affect the Results of a Pregnancy Test?

Some fertility medications may contain human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or similar hormone, which is what pregnancy tests are designed to detect. If it detects the pregnancy hormone from the medication instead of from an actual pregnancy, this can cause a false positive. What Else Can Skew the Results of a Pregnancy Test? Miscarriage At-home pregnancy

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What Are the Warning Signs of Infection After Abortion?

When some of the pregnancy tissue remains after a medical abortion, or when bacteria are introduced into your uterus during a surgical abortion, you’re at risk for experiencing a potentially life-threatening infection. Keep reading to familiarize yourself with the most common symptoms of an infection after an abortion. Signs and Symptoms of a Post-Abortion Infection

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What Are The Common Signs That Indicate You Need A Pregnancy Test?

Have you noticed a change in how you’ve been feeling recently, perhaps feeling a bit out of sorts or not quite yourself? It’s not uncommon to experience differences in our physical and emotional states for all kinds of reasons. However, if you’re sexually active, there might be something else to keep in mind. These changes

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Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

If your partner has discovered she’s pregnant, you may feel a sense of urgency to find a solution. It’s understandable if you are feeling panicked, frustrated, or overwhelmed. Still, the good news is that you’re not alone, and many resources are available to help couples with unexpected companies. Health insurance companies typically limit plan additions

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Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

If an unexpected pregnancy occurs when you’re simply not prepared to take on a child right now, pursuing a medication abortion after only a telehealth visit seems like an appealing private and hassle-free option at first glance. Do your research since this option often skips preventative health screenings. Ordering Online Skips Important Health Screenings Obtaining

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What is a Medical Abortion?

In researching options for your unplanned pregnancy, you’ll come across medical abortion, also called a chemical abortion. It is a series of two different drugs, misoprostol and mifepristone, that are FDA-approved through ten weeks gestation. These work together to end the pregnancy. Read this article for more information about how this process works and essential

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